Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blog Buttons and Other Thoughts.

We Shall Speak is run entirely by volunteers; young people with a passion for writing and spreading the truths of the Gospel with everyone. Our current project is about to begin and our numbers have dwindled from a hearty twenty-six members to our current five faithfuls. We need people who are willing to help and commit time to this project, or we will fail. So in light of this, for those who perhaps can't commit their time to the project, but would like to help in some way, we have a little something to help spread the word. We have blog buttons! There are a few different variations, with more on the way. On our "Blog Buttons" page there is also a little blinkie, for those who are interested in that. We do need your help. We can't do it without you guys.

I will reiterate for you guys, that those who are interested in volunteering as writers, editors, or both, may email us at However, it does require commitment. Please pray about it before joining. I encourage you to talk to your parents and evaluate your other commitments. If you can't truly give us your heart when writing, perhaps it isn't the best time. Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God. Make Him the focus of this project, of your time, and efforts. I encourage you now to not only pray concerning this, not just limit your focus on Him as the center only in this, but to extend it to every part of your life. Let Him be the reason you do anything and that you are able to do anything.

We also would love to hear from you how this blog (and eventually the books we hope to get out) have blessed you. We'd like to know how we can better serve you. Are there things you would like to see on this blog? Suggestions? Questions? We love emails and comments! Let us know what you are thinking of We Shall Speak. Perhaps all you can give is prayer, we would love that. Anything that you can do to help us out, we appreciate more than you know. We thank those of you who read the blog, and we especially thank those of you who have remained faithful to the project. May God be glorified in it and may we all be blessed by it.

Thank you all!

We Shall Speak

We Shall Speak

We Shall Speak